Welcome to a BW Controls meet the team, Simon is the leader of our in-house design team and he kindly took 5 minutes to answer some questions for you to get to know him.
What does your job role here at BW Controls entail?
I am the Design Manager, 1 design and develop electrical control systems to a high specification focussing on cost, safety, reliability and sustainability.
How long have you worked here?
I have worked at BW Controls for 24 years, started of as a wireman, progressing to workshop foreman, then moving to the design team and up to design manager.
Tell us something interesting about yourself:
My Great Great Great Grandfather was Bridgewater’s first lamp lighter.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy continuously learning and developing with every project. Sharing this knowledge with my team.
Simon, if you could have any superpower or ability what would you have and why?
I would choose to fly, it would be fun, I could get places quicker, and I could help people with my power.