Welcome to a BW Controls meet the team, Peter is a member of our in-house design team and he kindly took 5 minutes to answer some questions for you to get to know him.
What does your job role here at BW Controls entail?
I am a trainee Design engineer, I design and develop electrical control systems to a high specification, working with the customers to make sure our control systems are fit to their specifications.
How long have you worked here?
I have worked at BW Controls for just over 2 years, working in the workshop, on control software and now design.
Tell us something interesting about yourself:
I managed to go 22 years without breaking a single bone, then broke 3 all at once.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I enjoy being able to work with the customers to design a system just how they want it, and I enjoy seeing our designs be built in the workshop.
Peter, if you could have any 3 famous people past or present round for dinner who would it be?
I would choose Jeremy Clarkson, Jack Black and Michael Schumacher.